Cupping is the application of suction cups and is frequently used as an adjunct therapy to an acupuncture treatment. It pulls the muscle, connective tissue and blood to the surface in areas of stagnation to alleviate physical or emotional pain. This is particularly helpful to treat areas with older stubborn injuries or surgeries that have limited blood flow, adhesions or scar tissue, areas of muscle spasm that don’t respond well to deep tissue massage and in areas of emotional stagnation. According to Chinese medicine, our memories are housed in the blood, so therapies that move the blood will help us move through older trauma. There are several types of cupping including:

  1. Traditional fire cupping

  2. Silicone cups

  3. Plastic cups

This page will go over how to use plastic cups at home.

You will need a cupping set, which includes the cups, and a suction gun. You take your cup, insert the top of the cup into the gun, place it over the area you want to treat and squeeze the trigger 2-3 times until the suction is strong, but comfortable. It will probably feel weird at first with a “pulling sensation”. It should not be painful at all. If it’s pinching or uncomfortable, take the cup off and squeeze the gun fewer times to create less suction. Cupping is really simple in that you put the cup wherever it hurts.

You can apply as many cups as you like over the affected area. Leave them on for 10-20 minutes until you feel the pulling sensation subside or the area becomes cold, numb or otherwise uncomfortable. When you’re ready to take them off, simply lift the tip to release the suction. 

The cups will cause circle sized bruises or redness like you’ve been hugged by an octopus. The darker the mark, the greater the stagnation, so cupping can be diagnostic as well and tell you which areas need more attention. These bruises should resolve in 3-4 days or up to a week for darker areas, and the skin might be slightly raised or sensitive until the next day to a hot shower or strong sun exposure. This is normal. Wait at least a day until the soreness subsides before cupping the same area again. If you want to apply cups to an area you can’t reach by yourself - like your back - show a friend this video and have them apply the cups for you!

Cupping is contraindicated in pregnancy because we do not want to impede blood flow to the fetus. We also do not cup directly over bones or areas that are cut or inflamed (they feel hot and swollen to the touch). 

Your practitioner will tell you where and how often to do cupping as part of your treatment, or if you can’t come to the office, book a telemedicine appointment with your practitioner, who can go over a specific treatment plan for you. Call or text our clinic mobile 541-972-2837 or book online at